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Marilyn Monroe and charisma

 Marilyn Monroe and charisma

Marilyn Monroe and charisma

If you have ever met a beloved person, and yet you cannot explain exactly “why” you like her, this means that she is a charismatic person. In a video, behavioral expert and author Olivia Foxx Cabany tells a story about a pop icon you may have heard of: Marilyn Monroe. One busy afternoon, Monroe came with a photographer to Grand Central Station in New York City. The place was crowded with people, and yet no one seemed to recognize one of the most famous people in the world. Monroe quietly took the train to the next station without anyone noticing her. Kabani explains what happened by saying that Monroe was trying to prove a certain thing: “What Marilyn wanted to prove was that once she made the decision, she could be either the glamorous Miss Monroe or just ordinary Norma Jean Baker (her real name). Norma Jeane was on the train, but when she reappeared on New York's crowded platforms, she decided to turn into Marilyn; So she took a look at those around her, and asked the photographer, teasing him: “So, do you want to see her?” For Marilyn? “At that time, as the photographer said, she did not make any prominent movements, but rather just spread her hair in the air with her hands and took a distinctive standing position, and with this simple transformation, she suddenly looked charming! An aura of magic surrounded her and everything stopped with her! Even time stood still, and the people around her also stared at her in amazement once they suddenly realized that there was a star standing in their midst. . . » Without a doubt, the beauty factor is on Marilyn Monroe's side, but she wanted to prove that charisma is something you create and transmit from within, and not something you are simply born with. Your goal here is to find the Marilyn Monroe that resides within the Norma Jean Baker within you. It is there, but what you have to do is work to find it. However, keep in mind that you have to have some courage. Building charisma is a process that involves closely monitoring your actions. You may not always like what you see, but do not be too hard on yourself. If you monitor what you expect of yourself, you will be able to identify behaviors that need to be modified. Remember, you are not changing who you are. You are only changing the way people view you simply by making adjustments to the way you communicate with them. From Book 44 Amazing
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